
Monday, December 18, 2023

The birth of a new account

Well... sorta.

I just made this account 4 days ago and I am already level 7 on MSPRetro. It is extremely hard to level so don't think on regular msp terms where level 7 really isn't anything. Unfortunately on the original game which has been ruined, there are "greetings" and other things that help you level regardless of work efforts, you pay to level up. When it's on MSPRetro (which is the way the game first started off as), you level up with REAL work. Which is how I like it. Here's a pic of my game.

As you can see though, there is only 12 people online worldwide right now on here which is dead x_x afffff. But maybe I can revive it. I have spent a lot of money so far invested into this version of the game because it's so worth it for that 2010 nostalgia. 

On this game there is the MIDDLE FINGER, WEAPONS, AND BLOOD animations!!! Woot woot! 

Me and DarkTears stunting on y'all with these babies - We're dope af.

BUUUT as you can also see in the first picture up there, I am extremely rich or something with that 500k starcoins (which used to be 1 million before I spent a lump sum of it on many career outfits for movie roles). I never had so many starcoins in my life. 

Username: Justice 

with a capital J to find me. 


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