
Sunday, December 31, 2023

The best face shuffle

Never seen it like this. In the shop, this must be the best choice of options there was! 


MSPRetro clone

I look down at my screen and she MSPretro's clone!


I have returned after 3 day break

I was spending the past 3 days with my family in a different state. I got to see my dog 
I have returned and gonna continue being active.
Thanks for the comments left on my movie while I was gone!!


Thursday, December 28, 2023

I'm a Judge now!!

I just got Judge. I was going for Jury but that once in a lifetime discount, I couldn't resist. I loove my username- I am now: Judge Justice!

Ya see da name??? *patwa voice*


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A special friend request

Admin sent me friend request. One of the adminstrators?? That's huge!


Record high amount of people online in a long time!

Today while I was still online, it reached 39 people online which is the highest number I've ever seen. 

and then I had to go prepare for my dad's birthday tomorrow. But this was sooo cool. Everyone's super chill.


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

My pets are still alive!

Surprised they haven't passed away yet.

After a week of no food and no babysitter, my pets are still breathing and well. 


27 people online

And a chatroom party



Yipeeee!! Level 9 is huge on this version.


Snow White ♪ (Part 1)

Finally the movie has...

published after 3-4 days of work
(the most painful part)
with the beauty about old MovieStarPlanet!
Here it is! 6 minute long movie.
and already people started to view. 


Almost Level 9 already

I have focused on making my snow white movie this whole time and all the support from everybody has almost gotten me to the next level. Thank you!


Outfit of the day

Today's outfit of the day goes to...
taurus ! It is lovely

So 2012

My friends look very 2012 right now


Monday, December 25, 2023

Sunday, December 24, 2023


I have a music playlist at the top of this blog page and I was wondering for the past week on how to make it play and I just found out how. If you use Chrome or Firefox, there is a setting button write when you type in a new website box. Click it and there will be a list.

On Chrome it looks like...

Scroll down the list, put these as "allow"...

Refresh my blog and enjoy the music! 


Sneak peak

Here's a sneak peak of what I have in this movie. It's going to be a series of movies...


Saturday, December 23, 2023

Snow white in the making

I gotta get a whole makeover for this movie I'm making...

Movies take $$$$


Blog friend

My friend on mspretro has made a blog, go check her out! orlanemspretro.blogspot.com 


Doing a cleanse

In order to not be a hypocrite...

I deleted all my short movies. I only made them so get to level 6. Now I want to profit from actual work.



Short rant

Incase you didn't know, short movies (SM) piss me off more than anything.

There's no reason why a regular moviestar account should have any. Make a new account called "short movie" or "short movies" and whatever numbers added to them. Don't fill up my cinema unexpected with some lazy work short movies on your *now shameless* account. 
I would remove you from my friend's list regardless if I'm in the movie or not. I only watched a few that I'm in for fame in return but I stopped because it disgusts me so much. The downfall of this game has been short movies and 10 years ago this was so organized. 



Recycle bin item

 A Christmas balloon!

Better than that new trash that I was given before.


I found the coolest thing

An artbook of the homescreen 2012. Somebody make this from scratch.. it looks like the actual game!!

This type of artbook style would be on the new version of mspretro coming out.  Maybe make cool artbooks as this.


Friday, December 22, 2023

Brand NEW movie out!!


It's a story about the extreme dangers of alcohol and what it can do to your life! Go watch!!


trash movie

Movie was trash 

Misleading overall star rating. Had to give it 2 stars. 1 star for effort into making a movie not about school and not a short movie but that's all this movie gets cuz it was trash. I got bored and looked up "Polo" in the search bar found this woman who makes movies with funny titles but imma watch it to give you them starcoins you earned because you do get a gold star for not making SM. I gave 3 movies a shot but it was garbage. Yes Justice gonna give them honest reviews.



I just posted I was about to level up and not even 10 min later I made it!! 


Outfit of the day and a loooot of pets

 I love Orlane's outfits 

and then I went to her room and...
A lot of pets to feed. Jesus. She's rich rich cuz these are 900 starcoins a piece!



 Ahhhh!! I'm almost to level 8. This took some serious hard work in the shopping mall on msp. I spent hours making outfits as usual. Now I'm almost to level 8. Just know each time to buy something it's like 20 fame. Do you see my addiction?

waaahhooo !

Shakira face

 Dairyleedunker's Shakira looking face. If I were to make a Shakira music video just know I am using this face. 


MSPRetro now a deleted user

MSPRetro's user is now a deleted user??? But right here and you cant even click it

That's new.. must be the update? But good luck on revival?
